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Scientiae Mathematicae japonicae

Vol. 53, no. 1 (Jan. 2001)- = 205 (Jan. 2001)-. -- Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences, 2001-. <SY03058112>
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No. Location Location2 Volume Available Years/Months Accession status Alert
0001 KS 3F Bound Periodicals 53-70 2001-2009
No. 0001
Location KS 3F Bound Periodicals
Volume 53-70
Available Years/Months 2001-2009
Accession status

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Scientiae Mathematicae japonicae
Volumes and Years of Serial Vol. 53, no. 1 (Jan. 2001)- = 205 (Jan. 2001)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area Osaka : Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences , 2001-
physical description area v. ; 26 cm
note Scientiae Mathematicae and Mathematica Japonica New Series
note Online ISSN: 1346-0447
NCID AA1150654X
text language code English French German
frequency of publication code Bimonthly
ISSN 13460862
relation bibliography link 継続前誌 :Mathematica japonicae <SY00005204>
subject headings Mathematics -- Periodicals