
Digest and index of decisions of the National Labor Relations Board

[Reprint ed.]. -- Vol. 46 ([1947])-v. 74 (Aug. 21, 1947) ; V. 4 (Aug. 22, 1947/June 30,1950)-v. 5 (July 1, 1950/June 30, 1953). -- Yushodo Booksellers, 1967. <SY03873353>

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No. 配架場所 新着配架場所 巻号 年月次 購読状況 アラート
0001 法学部資料室 46-74;4-5 1947-1947;1947-1953
No. 0001
配架場所 法学部資料室
巻号 46-74;4-5
年月次 1947-1947;1947-1953


標題および責任表示 Digest and index of decisions of the National Labor Relations Board
版事項 [Reprint ed.]
巻次・年月次 Vol. 46 ([1947])-v. 74 (Aug. 21, 1947) ; V. 4 (Aug. 22, 1947/June 30,1950)-v. 5 (July 1, 1950/June 30, 1953)
出版事項 Tokyo : Yushodo Booksellers , 1967
形態事項 4 v. ; 24 cm
注記 Reprint. Originally published: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1947-1954
注記 NCID of original ed.: <AA10514757>
注記 Vol. 4: "prepared ... as a guide to the dicisions ...vols. 75 through 89, and part of vol. 90"--P. iii
注記 Vol. 5: "prepared ... as a guide to the dicisions ...vols. 90 through 105"--P. iv
注記 Continues: Digest of decisions of the National Labor Relations Board.--Vol. 1 [1946]-vol. 45 [1946]
注記 Continued by: Digest of decisions of the National Labor Relations Board.--Vol. 6 (1953)-
NCID AA10796976
本文言語 英語
著者標目リンク United States. National Labor Relations Board <AU00416904>